The Turtle Valley Donkey Refuge Society is a 50 acre facility located at 7877 Skimikin Road in the Turtle Valley near Chase, BC. We are dedicated to rehabilitating and caring for unwanted, surrendered, abused and neglected donkeys.
When donkeys are abused they require years of special care, costly vet and farrier work and years of love and devotion to heal the scars made by man. We are blessed to be able to facilitate this healing with love and care.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Hello Everyone, and Happy New Year
Chillin' With the Minis
After a long break, I am back to blogging. Christmas at the Refuge was amazing - very snowy but it made a wonderful backdrop for pics of our sweet, sweet donkeys.
Bessie, our newest resident arrived on the 19th of November and has settled in very well. She is in with the special needs herd and has found a great friend in Socrates. She is a beauty - part pitou we think as she has the long hair on her sideslike Jose and Ollie.
Sad news, though. Our darling little Jorge passed away in early December after a short illness from a ruptured secum. He was with us for such a short time but in that few months we gave him so much love and hugs. We miss him very much.
So much is happening at the Refuge. Many of you know that you can now be a member of the Turtle Valley Donkey Refuge. The following is a message from our Founders, Shirley and Rob:
As with all Non Profit Societies we are only as strong as our
Membership Base. We signed up 100 members in 2012 and we would like to increase
the numbers to 400 Members by the end of 2013. If you are interested in becoming
a Member of the Donkey Refuge Society please copy the form below and send a
check to:
Turtle Valley Donkey Refuge Society 1125 Ptarmigan Road, Chase, B.C. V0E 1M1 or
click on Web Store at and follow the links to
Adult Members enjoy a vote at our Annual General Meeting
being held Saturday March 2, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. at the Refuge. Members will also
receive a monthly "eBRAY" Bulletin with a report from the Refuge with a Very
Special eBRAY Bulletin for the Youth Members. Folks who are wanting to become
more involved or Volunteer at the Refuge will receive updates on Projects Planned and help needed with
Fundraising Events. If you wish to Participate in the Mission of Donkey Rescue
in Western Canada please join us as we all work to make a difference in these
Donkeys Lives.
Please pass this on and help us reach
our Goal of 400 Members by the end of 2013.
Due to rough winter road conditions, I haven't been to the Refuge this past week and I am going through donkey withdrawal. Winter can end any old time for me. I need a donkey hug.
For more information about what's happening at the Refuge, the website address is
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