First, a huge thank you to everyone that made their way out to the Refuge this past weekend to help us celebrate Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful weekend. Lots of new faces and lots of fun. As always, I got distracted and the hot chocolate pot got empty a few times - sorry about that. I start talking about our donkeys and other important things like making the hot chocolate get forgotten. Everyone was very kind about it, though and waited patiently for me to catch up with my duties.

BUT......I have even more exciting news. A few months ago I had a thought. What if we were to publish a series of childrens' books about some of the donkeys here at the Refuge. What wonderful gifts these little books could be. And what a great way to honor the Refuge and its founders, Rob and Shirley.
BOOK ONE of the series is being printed and is available for pre-order by contacting the Refuge. This first story is about one of our little donkeys who arrived with very sore hooves and how he was helped at the Refuge. It is a true story but we have decided to change his name to Chance.

I am so pleased to see the finished product. I had the easy part - coming up with the story and the words. The book is illustrated by the niece of my brother-in-law, a graphic designer and amazing artist. The man responsible for the printing of the book is none other than our own pancake flipper from our Pancake Breakfast last September. Isn't it amazing how talented the people around you are?
Here is a photo of the book cover and a sneak peak at one of the amazing illustrations you will see.
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