Sunday, October 14, 2012


In the last posting I repeated an all too familiar mantra here at the Refuge and it went exactly like this:

 We really must get a two-donkey horse trailer... and I highlighted it in blue.

This wish has been part of Laura's daily prayers for months. And I know that it was part of everyday conversation for Rob and Shirley. It was even on the wish-list in our last newsletter.

Imagine my surprise and pure delight when we arrived at the Refuge yesterday and there, up by the hay barn was a blue two-donkey horse trailer. OUR blue trailer. Seriously!
And, even more amazingly, the trailer arrived full of special feeds, salt and mineral blocks, halters, blankets and other equine supplies too numerous to list. No way, you say. Yes way, I say.
Members of the First Mule and Donkey Club of the Lower Mainland had read the newsletter and responded by approaching businesses that supplied equine products and feed for donations of product for the Refuge. Several of the businesses came onboard. When it became apparent that the trailer dealership was unable to donate a used horse trailer, one of the Club members, Karen McGregor, purchased it and donated it to us.
We knew ahead of time that Karen was coming with supplies and when Shirley mentioned it to me I laughingly expressed my hope that the donations arrived in a trailer and that they then left the trailer for us. Unknown to me, Shirley and Rob already knew a trailer was coming and that it was staying but they thought that the Refuge would be responsible for paying for at least part of its cost. They didn't share this secret as they wanted to surprise me. And surprised I was. More than surprised! I don't think there is a word that describes the overwhelming emotion I experienced when they shared this wonderful news. Closest I can come it that I was "beside myself excited".

On Friday Karen drove up from the coast and delivered this incredible gift. On Saturday, she and her friend Anne Patterson visited us and while Shirley, Laura and Karen did poop patrol, I took Anne for a tour of the Refuge and we all chatted. And chatted some more. I did my happy dance several times and thanked Karen many, many times.

So, we have our trailer, feed supplements that will carry us into the winters, tack and medical supplies.

For those who don't believe in the power of positive thought, or "ask and ye shall receive".............there ya go!

Oh, and at the end of the day, Laura and I finally got to see the two donkeys, Kaatje and Gerrit who arrived last Monday. Holey Moley they are fat. Frighteningly fat. Like a mammoth sized body on a mini sized frame with skinny little legs underneath. I don't know how their legs hold them up. We have a big job ahead to get them slimmed down before their little hearts fail from the pressure of so much extra weight. So very sad.

But, all in all, as Mr. Rogers always sang, "it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood".

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