Monday, October 27, 2014


Every once in a while I see a "poster" on facebook that makes me think of the Refuge and the courage that it took to embark on a journey to rescue donkeys and provide for them a safe and healthy permanent home.  Imagine when Rob and Shirley got baby Maximo and his ailing mother Maria.  Do you think they could have even envisioned the day when they would be running a charity dedicated to the welfare of donkeys.  Yet here we are with over 80 donkeys and mules in our loving care. The purchase of the new property at 7877 Skimikin and the building of the barn complex required such a leap of faith.  We are so blessed that others were willing to take a chance - our financial supporters and fellow donkeynuts, the bank, our volunteers and everyone who is making this amazing adventure a success.  And we continue to move forward with a clear vision of an infirmary and the other half of the barn complex firmly in our minds knowing that as long as we keep the faith, our donkeys will be provided for.  Isn't it grand!

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